Untamed Wild Magic Surge Table
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Untamed Wild Magic Surge Table
1You become an immovable object. You shapeshift into a solid statue of stone, and gain a DR of +10, and you are are petrified until the end of your next turn.
2You unleash an 5d6 fire explosion in a 20-foot radius centered on yourself. Fortitude vs. Balance for half.
3You create a blast of thunderous energy out in a 10-foot radius around you. Each Creature, other than yourself, takes 2d4 thunder damage and must make a Fortitude vs. Fortitude roll or be knocked 10 feet in the furthest direction away from you.
4Chilling rime and snow temporarily flurry around you for the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, the ground within 15 feet of you is considered difficult terrain for your enemies. Enemies who you attack with a melee weapon attack within your effect take an additional 1d6 cold damage.
5A small unstable warbling bead of chaos energy appears within 5 feet of one target of your choice you can see within 30 feet of you. The Chaos bead explodes, and each target within 5 feet of it must make a contesting Fortitude vs. Balance or take 1d6 + Barbarian level rounded down Force damage. For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again you may activate this ability again once on each of your turns as Quick Action.
6For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, you and everything you are carrying becomes like heated metal, whenever a creature starts or ends its turn within 10 feet of you, that creature takes 1d4 fire damage. You are also resistant to cold damage.
7A field of silence extends from you in a 10-foot area for up to one minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again. For the duration no sound can be created or pass through the radius centered on yourself. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there.
8For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, you shine a kaleidoscope of colors in a 10-foot radius, granting a +1 AC bonus to all friendly creatures within your radius. You also shed bright light in a 5 foot radius as well as dim light in an additional 5 feet.
9Boon field energy radiates from you. You restore a number of Temporary Vitality to any target within 20 feet of you, including yourself, equal to 1d6 + [body].
10Your body can move much faster than usual. For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again your movement speed increases by 15 feet and your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
11Light bends around you. You and anything you are wearing or carrying becomes invisible for 1 minute persisting even if you’ve used your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again. This effect ends early when you attack or cast a spell of any level.
12You become a conduit for the dead. Chilling spirits begin to flow around you in a 10-foot radius, Each creature of your choice you can see must make a contested Frighten vs. Willpower. Each target takes 2d4 + Barbarian level rounded down Psychic damage and are Frightened, or half.
13You summon a ethereal weapon of light, for 1 minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again the weapon’s damage type changes to Radiant, and gains the light and thrown properties, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 40 feet. if the weapon leaves your hand, the weapon rematerializes in your hand at the end of the current turn. Your weapon sheds bright yellow light in a 20- foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
14You disrupt the magic around you. All creatures within 60 feet of you that are concentrating on a spell must make a Fortitude vs. Fortitude or take your 0d0+[body] as Bludgeoning Damage.
15You gain the teleport as a move speed, up to 30 feet. For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, you may activate this ability once on each of your turns as a Custom Quick Action, or teleport.
16A Bloodthirsty fury floods into your body. For 1 minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, you can make one additional unhindered attack on your turn.
17Each target, of your choice, within 30 feet of you must make a Fortitude vs. Fortitude or take 1d12 Necrotic damage, or half. You also gain 1d12 + your Barbarian level rounded down in Temporary Vitality.
18Your body begins to fade around the edges, as you faze into the border ethereal plane. For the next minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, you are able to move through solid objects, and all opportunity attacks made against you are at DIS. If you are within solid material when the effects end a move, you are ejected to the nearest unoccupied space, and take 1d6 force damage.
19You become the center of a storm. Once per turn for 1 minute or until you use your ‘Release Untamed Magic’ feature again, when you successfully hit a creature with a melee attack, lightning leaps from your weapon to another creature of your choice within 20 feet. Fortitude vs. Balance or take [body]d6 in lightening, or half.
20You become an unstoppable force. You become an ethereal beam of brilliant white light that teleports you to point within 60 feet. All creatures you pass through make a Fortitude vs. Balance, or half, for [barbarian_level]d6s in Radiant damage.

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