Potion of Climbing
Potion of Climbing
20 gp 0.20 lb Liquid

The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.

If you did not know better, you would think that three separate layers of sedimentary stone were somehow poured into this potion bottle. It moves like liquid when you tilt the bottle this way and that, and curiously, the layers do not mix with one another in any way. You have the feeling that this drink would be quite filling.

I Drink an Potion of Climbing
The liquid I swirl around the bottle has alternating shades of tan and brown, much like the face of a sea-kissed cliff. I uncork the potion and drink it down, the sandy texture tickling at my taste buds and throat. As the magic takes effect, I feel the muscles of my arms and back swell. My palms dry of excess sweat and my nails thicken. I feel as capable as a wildcat about to scale a tree.

  • Parameters:
  • Duration: 1 hours

  • Speed:
  • Climbing: [walking_speed]

Fabricated From


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information