Sea Hag




  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +3
    0 gp

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Claw (2d6)

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Amphibious
  • Horrific Appearance

  • Abilities:
  • Death Glare

  • At Will Spell(s):
  • Disguise Self

  • Lair:
  • Sea Hag Lair

Announcing its arrival with the briny scent of low tide, a stunted, bulbous creature emerges—hair resembling seaweed, skin pallid blue like a bloated corpse afloat. Watery, yellow eyes roam in search, muttering with a voice waterlogged and croaky. Fishlike features, from protruding eyes to fins along the arms, emit a signature stench, raising curiosity about their origin—natural or acquired after dwelling beneath the sea for years.

Sea hags live in dismal and polluted underwater lairs, surrounded by merrow and other aquatic monsters.

Beauty drives a sea hag to fits of anger. When confronted with something beautiful, the hag might simply attack it or deface it. If something beautiful gives hope, a sea hag wants it to cause despair. If it inspires courage, the sea hag wants it to cause fear.

Ugly Inside and Out. Sea hags are by far the ugliest of all hags, with slimy scales covering their pallid skin. A sea hag's hair resembles seaweed and covers her emaciated body, and her glassy eyes seem as lifeless as a doll's. Although a sea hag can hide her true form under a veil of illusion, the hag is cursed to forever appear ugly. Her illusory form appears haggard at best.


Creature Sub Type

Hags are grotesque and malevolent creatures, often seen as embodiments of evil and cruelty. These ancient beings with origins in the Feywild are the very essence of wickedness. Their appearance is grotesque, with withered faces framed by long, frayed hair, disfigured skin marked by horrid moles and warts, and long, skinny fingers ending in razor-sharp claws.

The Faces of Wickedness:
Hags are a blight upon the mortal world, their forms reflecting only the darkness in their hearts. Their simple, tattered clothes are always filthy, and they revel in their hideous appearances. They possess a wide array of magical powers and some are skilled spellcasters. These powers allow them to alter their forms, curse their foes, and even challenge the magic of the gods themselves, which they blaspheme at every opportunity.

Monstrous Motherhood:
Hags propagate their kind through the most horrifying means. They snatch human infants from their cradles or even steal them from their mother's womb, consuming the poor children. A week later, a hag gives birth to a daughter who appears human until her thirteenth birthday when she transforms into a spitting image of her hag mother. Some hags raise the daughters they spawn, creating covens, while others return the children to their grieving parents, only to watch from the shadows as the child grows up to become a horror.

Sinister Bargains:
Hags are insufferably arrogant, considering themselves the most cunning of creatures. Despite their contempt for mortals, they are open to making dark bargains with those who show proper respect and deference. Over their long lives, hags accumulate vast knowledge of local lore, dark creatures, and magic, which they are more than willing to sell. However, a bargain with a hag is always dangerous, with terms often involving the compromise of principles or the sacrifice of something dear.

Embrace of the Macabre:
Hags revel in the macabre and festoon themselves with dead things. They adorn their garments with bones, bits of flesh, and filth. They intentionally nurture blemishes and pick at wounds to produce weeping, suppurating flesh. Their love for the gruesome extends to every aspect of their lives, and they often engage in disfiguring or transforming creatures they find attractive. Hags are known to travel in unusual vehicles, such as magical giant skulls, and keep a gruesome menagerie of monsters and slaves in cages, disguised by illusions to lure unsuspecting victims close.

Dark Sisterhood:
Hags maintain contact with one another and share knowledge, forming a sinister sisterhood. They are aware of each other's existence and adhere to an ageless code of conduct among themselves. This code includes announcing their presence before entering another hag's territory, bringing gifts when visiting another hag's dwelling, and honoring oaths given to other hags. Humanoids who mistake these rules as applying to all creatures may find themselves the subject of a hag's sinister amusement.

Cursed Lairs:
Hags dwell in dark and twisted landscapes like bleak moors, storm-lashed seacoasts, gloomy swamps, and twisted woods. Over time, the very land around a hag's lair becomes tainted by their malevolence. Trees twist into monstrous forms, attacking passersby, while vines snake through the undergrowth to snare and drag off creatures one by one. Foul, stinking fogs permeate the air, concealing pools of quicksand and sinkholes that swallow unwary wanderers.

In a campaign, Hags are harbingers of dark and sinister plots. Adventurers may find themselves pitted against these vile creatures, uncovering the horrifying secrets of their propagation, or even seeking dark knowledge from them through perilous bargains. The presence of Hags brings an element of grotesque horror and malevolent magic to the tabletop world, making it a realm of dread and trepidation.



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