
In the vast and diverse land of Zin, Dogfolk stand out as a race renowned for their unmatched loyalty and versatility. Whether serving as escorts, paladins, or members of an adventuring party, Dogfolk are trusted companions whose dedication is unwavering. Betraying a Dogfolk's trust is a grave mistake, for once broken, their loyalty is nearly impossible to reclaim.

Physical Characteristics
Dogfolk vary greatly in appearance, resembling the myriad breeds of dogs they are inspired by. Their height ranges from 4 to 6 feet, with muscular builds suited for both combat and labor. Coats range from sleek and short to long and shaggy, and their fur comes in various colors, including black, brown, white, and brindle. Eye colors are equally diverse, from deep browns to striking blues and greens. They possess expressive ears, which can be pointed, floppy, or cropped, adding to their unique looks.

Society and Culture
Dogfolk live in tight-knit communities where loyalty, honor, and duty are the cornerstones of their society. Each community, or pack, is led by a respected elder or chief. Every member has a vital role, from guardians and hunters to healers and artisans. Rituals and celebrations often involve storytelling, music, and communal feasting, strengthening their bonds and preserving their heritage.

Influence and Reputation
Dogfolk are highly esteemed throughout Zin, often hired for escort missions and serving as paladins due to their unparalleled loyalty. Their reputation as trustworthy and reliable protectors makes them sought after by merchants, nobles, and adventurers alike. Once a Dogfolk pledges their loyalty, they are steadfast and unyielding in their commitment.

Relationship with Other Races
Dogfolk maintain strong relationships with most races in Zin, admired for their loyalty and bravery. They form alliances with those who share their values and are quick to defend their friends and allies. However, they are wary of those who betray trust, and forgiveness is rarely granted.

Natural Enemies: The Gnolls
One creature that consistently draws the ire of Dogfolk is the Gnoll. The scent of blood and decay that accompanies Gnolls puts Dogfolk on high alert, causing them to snarl and flash their teeth as a defense mechanism. Encounters with Gnolls often lead to fierce confrontations, as Dogfolk instinctively protect their territory and loved ones from these marauding threats.

Adaptability and Environment
Dogfolk thrive in various environments, from dense forests to bustling cities. Their adaptability allows them to excel in any role within an adventuring party. Each Dogfolk has a unique personality, shaped by their breed and experiences, but they all share a common trait: they never betray one's trust.

Dogfolk are the epitome of loyalty and bravery in the land of Zin. Their diverse abilities and unwavering commitment make them invaluable allies in any endeavor. Whether as guardians, hunters, healers, or artisans, Dogfolk bring strength, reliability, and a sense of security to those they serve and protect.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Dogfolk Origins
  • Dogfolk Pedigree
  • Dogfolk Provenance


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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