Spellcasting Focus: Sprig of Mistletoe
Spellcasting Focus: Sprig of Mistletoe
Spellcasting Focus
6 gp 0.30 lb Wood

When a bender lacks the specific material spell components required for a spell, they can still cast it by equipping a spellcasting focus, thereby circumventing the need for said components.

The sprig of mistletoe rests delicately in your palm, its leaves vibrant green against the wood's earthy hue. Tiny pearls of white berries cling to its branches, embodying nature's magic. With each whisper of the wind, it hums with untamed energy, a conduit to the spirits of the wild.

  • This item is a spellcasting focus. This allows the welder to cast spells without material spell components that do not need to be consumed. However, this item must be equipped in your main or off hand to be used, as your character must focus or touch this to cast the spell with this spell component requirement.



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information