
Physical Attributes
The Mammothfolk are towering humanoid beings, resembling woolly mammoths with their massive size and dense, shaggy fur. Their bodies are completely covered in this thick fur, which shields them from the harshest tundra conditions, including extreme cold that would freeze lesser beings. This fur typically ranges from dark brown to gray, the latter color appearing as Mammothfolk age, a natural indicator of their long years of life.

Their heavily muscled, bulky frames are built for both power and endurance, allowing them to move large chunks of ice or stone with ease. This strength is not merely for show; it’s put to practical use in their harsh environment, where they often clear paths through mountainous terrain, making travel easier for others in their community and allies alike.

Tusks and Battle Scars
A defining feature of the Mammothfolk is their impressive tusks, which curve gracefully from their powerful faces. These tusks are not only a physical tool but also a symbol of status and strength within their society. Battle scars etched into these tusks tell tales of past conflicts, primarily with predators such as sabre-toothed cats and, more dangerously, Yetis. The Yetis, with their considerable size and strength, pose a significant threat, especially to the young Mammothfolk who have not yet grown to their full size. Adult Bull Mammothfolk often intervene, using their tusks and sheer power to fend off these predators, though not without sustaining injuries in the process.

Social Structure and Family Bonds
Mammothfolk live in tightly knit herds, where the bonds of family and community are sacred. Older Mammothfolk, particularly the bulls, take on the role of protectors, defending the young and weak from the myriad dangers of the tundra. These herds operate much like extended families, with each member playing a vital role in the group's survival. The loss of a member is a deeply mourned event, with the entire herd entering a period of grieving that can last from days to weeks, reflecting their deep-seated value for life and kinship.

Origins and Alliances
The origins of the Mammothfolk are a mystery even to themselves, their history lost in the mists of time. The oldest of their kind remember no time before their existence alongside the Giants, a race with whom they share a long-standing relationship of mutual trust and respect. This ancient alliance has extended to other tundra-dwelling races, such as the Grizzlyfolk, with whom the Mammothfolk have formed strong bonds. These relationships are crucial for survival in the harsh and unforgiving environment they call home.

Diet and Environmental Impact
Despite their immense size and power, the Mammothfolk are herbivores. They primarily subsist on whatever greens they can find in the frozen tundra, and in times of scarcity, they can survive on the bark of long-dead trees. Their large, flat teeth are well-suited for grinding down tough vegetation, enabling them to extract the necessary nutrients. However, when food is abundant, a small herd of Mammothfolk can strip a forest of its lush greenery in a matter of days, driven by their insatiable hunger.

Guardians of the Ancestors
The Mammothfolk hold their ancestors in the highest regard, and the graveyards where the ancient bones of their forebears rest are sacred. These sites, often marked by the ivory tusks of long-deceased Mammothfolk, are fiercely protected from those who would seek to desecrate them. Grave robbers and ivory poachers are the primary targets of the Mammothfolk's wrath, and a select group of these mighty beings is tasked with guarding these hallowed grounds. These guardians are relentless in their duty, defending their ancestors' resting places with a righteous fury that knows no mercy for those who dare intrude.

Ethos and Way of Life
Mammothfolk are a race defined by their strength, loyalty, and deep respect for life and tradition. While they are gentle giants by nature, preferring peace and the company of their herd, they are also formidable warriors when the need arises. They value the bonds of family above all else and will go to great lengths to protect their loved ones and their way of life. In the harsh, unforgiving world of the tundra, the Mammothfolk are symbols of endurance, unity, and the enduring power of community.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Mammothfolk Origins
  • Mammothfolk Petigree
  • Mammothfolk Provenance


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