Sealing Wax
Sealing Wax
Adventuring Gear
0.50 gp 0.01 lb Liquid

Sealing wax is a wax material of a seal which, after melting, hardens quickly (to paper, parchment, ribbons and wire, and other material) forming a bond that is difficult to separate without noticeable tampering. Wax is used to verify something such as a document is unopened, to verify the sender's identity, for example with a signet ring, and as decoration. Sealing wax can be used to take impressions of other seals.

A stick of sealing wax, firm and smooth to the touch, with a glossy sheen catching the light. Its vibrant color hints at secrets sealed, waiting to be unveiled by the press of a signet ring.

Fabricated From


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information