Werewolf Lineage
Werewolf Lineage

These characters, whether born under a celestial alignment, cursed by a malevolent force, or embracing their inner wildness, are part human and part wolf. With a dual nature, they walk the fine line between humanity and beasthood, offering players an exciting and immersive role-playing experience.

Origins of the Werewolf Lineage:
Some were born into a lineage with a long history of lycanthropy, inheriting their supernatural condition from their ancestors. Others may have fallen victim to a curse or bitten by a cursed creature, forever changing their destiny. Regardless of their beginnings, they all share one common trait - the ability to transform into a powerful wolf-like form.

Embracing the Beast:
The most iconic aspect of the Werewolf Lineage is the ability to transform. During moments of intense emotion or under the influence of the moon's phases, these characters can shed their human guise and embrace their inner beast. In this lupine form, they possess enhanced physical abilities, such as strength, speed, and heightened senses. This transformation allows them to navigate the wilderness with unparalleled skill and ferocity.

The Struggle for Control:
Despite the allure of their wolfen abilities, the Werewolf Lineage characters face an ongoing struggle for control. While in their beastly form, they may grapple with primal instincts that can sometimes override their human consciousness. This duality adds depth to their character development, as they strive to maintain their humanity while harnessing the power of the wolf.

Moonlit Affinities:
The moon's phases play a crucial role in the life of a Werewolf Lineage character. Lunar cycles can influence their transformations and the strength of their wolfen abilities. A character may find themselves at the peak of their power during a full moon but must exercise caution during times when the moon wanes, as their control may waver.

Society and Stigma:
In the world, the presence of Werewolf Lineage characters often invokes fear, prejudice, or fascination among other inhabitants. They may be regarded with suspicion or ostracized from human society due to their supernatural nature. This societal tension can provide rich storytelling opportunities as characters grapple with their place in the world.

Role-Playing Opportunities:
Playing a Werewolf Lineage character offers a wealth of role-playing opportunities. Players can explore themes of identity, self-acceptance, and the struggle for control. They may seek to uncover the origins of their condition or use their unique abilities to protect the innocent from supernatural threats. Whether they embrace their wolfen nature or strive to balance their dual identities, the journey of a Werewolf Lineage character is filled with challenges and adventures that promise an exciting and immersive experience in the world.

  • Damage Mitigation: +2

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Keen Senses
  • Uncontrolable Werebeast Bloodlust

  • Full Abilities:
  • Call of the Moon



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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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