Dark Gift: Swarm Colony

Your body is host to a colony of repulsive insects or similar small creatures. This infestation does not harm you, although few are able to accept it entirely. It may itch, tickle, or just generally disgust you, at least occasionally. This colonization is as much a part of you as any of your natural organs, and you could not part with it and survive even if there was a way to get rid of the tiny passengers that live in and on you.

Roll on or choose an option from the Swarm Colony table to determine what kind of swarm entities have taken up residence on and in your body. Additionally, you gain the traits that follow.

Swarm Colony - Colonization
1A colony of maggots nests in an open wound. It does not hurt... not much, at least. But it does smell a bit.
2A swarm of tiny winged insects has formed a hive in your nostrils and sinuses and sometimes swarms around your head.
3A trail of ants constantly wanders around your body, sometimes shifting track but never ceasing their aimless circumambulation.
4Some long-legged creatures nest in your ears. They never emerge fully, but sometimes extrude their spidery appendages.
5Tiny mites live on your head. It sometimes looks as if your scalp is literally crawling.
6Hard-shelled isopods colonize your mouth. Sometimes one falls out when you speak.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Bothering Parasites

  • Abilities:
  • Swarm Consciousness



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information