Nix The Puppet Master
Nix The Puppet Master
0 lb


58 / 58
10 / 10

  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +3
    0 gp

  • Abilities:
  • Attack Order
  • Healing Threads

  • At Will Spell(s):
  • Arcane Eruption
  • Counterspell
  • Fire Bolt
  • Fireball
  • Hypnotic Pattern

You see Nix emerge, a ghostly figure with hollow, glowing eyes. Tattered robes flutter as spectral threads glisten. More Pierrot Clowns surround you, their puppet-like movements synchronized with the subtle twitches of Nix’s ethereal hands.


Creature Sub Type

Unveiling the Abyssal Horrors: Origins of Demons
In the darkest corners of creation, where the cosmic tapestry unravels into madness, demons find their birthplace. Spawned in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss, these malevolent entities are the embodiment of chaos and the very engines of destruction itself. With their monstrous forms barely containing the chaotic energies within, they emerge as harbingers of doom, relentless in their pursuit of mayhem and annihilation.

Soulforge of the Abyss: Transformation of Mortal Spirits
Demons are not born in the traditional sense. They are souls that have been torn from their mortal shells, condemned to an existence of perpetual torment and wickedness in the Abyss. Once ordinary beings, these souls are transformed into creatures of nightmarish proportions, forever severed from their humanity.

The Wayward Believers: Champions of Chaos
Those who become demons are often individuals who, during their mortal lives, embraced chaos and reveled in the lack of order that permeated the world. Their beliefs and actions rejected the principles of law, order, and morality. Some were once lawless spirits that met their end in the material planes, while others were spawned from the malevolent manifestation of hateful thoughts.

Varieties of Demonic Malevolence: A Multitude of Terrors
Demons come in a multitude of forms and classifications, each more nightmarish than the last. From the lowly Dretch, grotesque and mindless, to the towering Balor, embodiments of fury and destruction, the Abyss offers an endless array of horrors. The diversity in demonkind reflects the boundless nature of chaos itself, and adventurers who dare to confront these creatures must be prepared for any form of malevolence.

The Infernal Hierarchy: Lords of the Abyss
Amidst the chaotic tumult of the Abyss, a dreadful hierarchy emerges. At the pinnacle of this infernal order stand the Demon Lords, nightmarish beings of immense power and malevolence. Each Demon Lord presides over a layer of the Abyss, and they are beings of unfathomable cruelty and cunning, commanding legions of lesser demons in their unholy crusades against all that is good and just.

The Eternal Struggle: Demons and the Cosmic Balance
Demons are in eternal opposition to the forces of good and order in the multiverse. They seek to corrupt, defile, and destroy all that is virtuous and harmonious. As such, they are a constant menace to the very fabric of reality, and heroes of all kinds must rise to confront these abyssal terrors and preserve the balance of the cosmos.

Unraveling the Abyssal Mystery: Secrets of Demonology
To truly understand the nature of demons, one must delve into the forbidden lore of demonology. As keepers of arcane knowledge, scholars and adventurers are tasked with unveiling the secrets of the Abyss, learning its vulnerabilities, and discovering the means to combat the malevolent forces that threaten existence.

  • Special Senses:
  • Fiendsight: +60

  • Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison

  • Immune to Status Effect:
  • Poisoned


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information