Frost Giant




  • Monster Bits:
  • Frost Giant Finger
    50 gp

A colossal humanoid looms with serene yet imposing features. Iridescent blue skin, reminiscent of crystalline ice, glistens, complemented by intricate braids in snowy white hair. Clad in furs, the figure seamlessly merges with the natural surroundings, resembling mountain stone until it stirs. Gripping a colossal tree-sized club, they exude an aura of both calm and raw power.

Gigantic reavers from the freezing lands beyond civilization, frost giants are fierce, hardy warriors that survive on the spoils of their raids and pillaging. They respect only brute strength and skill in battle, demonstrating both with their scars and the grisly trophies they take from their enemies.

Hearts of Ice. Frost giants are creatures of ice and snow. Their hair and beards are pale white or light blue, matted with frost and clattering with icicles. Their flesh is as blue as glacial ice.

Frost giants dwell in high peaks and glacial rifts where the sun hides its golden head by winter. Crops don't grow in their frozen homelands, and they keep little livestock beyond what they capture in their raids against civilized lands. They hunt the wild game of the tundra and mountains but don't cook it, since meat from a fresh kill tastes sufficiently hot to their palate.

Reavers of the Storm. The war horns of the frost giants howl as they march from their ice fortresses and glacial rifts amid the howling blizzard. When that storm clears, villages and steadings lay in ruins, ravens descending to feed on the corpses of any creatures foolish or unlucky enough to stand in the giants' path.
Inns and taverns suffer the brunt of the damage, their cellars gutted and their casks of ale and mead gone. Smithies are likewise toppled, their iron and steel claimed. Curiously undisturbed are the houses of moneylenders and wealthy citizens, for the reavers have little use for coins or baubles. Frost giants prize gems and jewelry large enough to be worn and noticed. However, even those treasures are most often saved for trading opportunities with other giants more adept at crafting metal weapons and armor.

Rulers by Might. Frost giants respect brute strength above all else, and a frost giant's place in the ordning depends on evidence of physical might, such as superior musculature, scars from battles of renown, or trophies fashioned from the bodies of slain enemies. Tasks such as hunting, childrearing, and crafting are given to giants based on their physical strength and hardiness.

When frost giants of different clans meet and their status is unclear, they wrestle for dominance. Such meetings might resemble festivals where giants cheer on their champions, making bold boasts and challenges. At other times, the informal ceremony can become a chaotic free-for-all where both clans rush into a melee that fells trees, shatters the ice on frozen lakes, and causes avalanches on the snowy mountainsides.

Make War, Not Goods. Though frost giants consider the menial crafting of goods beneath them, carving and leatherwork are valued skills. They make their clothing from the skins and bones of beasts, and carve bone or ivory into jewelry and the handles of weapons and tools. They reuse the weapons and armor of their smaller foes, stringing shields into scale armor and lashing sword blades to wooden hafts to make giant-sized spears. The greatest battle trophies come from conquered dragons, and the greatest frost giant jarls wear armor of dragon scales or wield picks and mauls made of a dragon's teeth or claws.


Creature Sub Type

Giantfolks are a remarkable and formidable race, born of the noble lineage of giants. They possess a unique combination of giant strength, imposing stature, and remarkable intelligence.

Giantfolks: The Titans of Balance:
Giantfolks are a rare and awe-inspiring race, born of the rich heritage of giants, but marked by a unique equilibrium of might and intellect. Their massive bodies, towering over most other races, exude an imposing presence. However, their immense size takes a toll on their bodies, and they do not live as long as humans, their giant essence balanced by a vulnerability to time.

Supernatural Feats of Strength:
In the heat of battle, giantfolks are known for their supernatural strength. They can lift their own weight effortlessly and employ a remarkable technique - hurling themselves at their opponents with the intent to crush them beneath their colossal mass. The mere charge of a giantfolk can be a devastating force, leaving a trail of flattened adversaries.

Unleashing the Power of Giants:
As giantfolks age, they unlock more of their latent giant powers, further enhancing their strength and battlefield prowess. They can harness these powers in various ways, calling forth thunder and lightning to strike down their enemies or stomping the ground with such force that it cripples and disorients their foes. Their size and strength allow them to serve as living bulwarks, protecting themselves and their allies from harm, making them indispensable assets on the battlefield.

Cunning and Craftsmanship:
Despite their fearsome reputation for strength and combat prowess, giantfolks are far from being mere brutes. They possess a keen intelligence and a natural cunning that enables them to outmaneuver opponents and devise clever tactics during battles. Furthermore, they are accomplished craftsmen, known for creating tools and weapons of immense size and strength that surpass anything crafted by other races. Their works are a testament to their remarkable ingenuity.

A Few, But a Force to Be Reckoned With:
While giantfolks may be a rare race in the world, their presence on the battlefield is nothing short of game-changing. Their might, intelligence, and tactical acumen can singlehandedly turn the tide of a war in favor of their allies. The appearance of giantfolks in your campaign offers opportunities for players to interact with and learn from these unique beings, who embody a striking blend of strength and intellect, presenting a complex and compelling addition to your game world.



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