
Lizardfolk dwell deep within humid swamps and dense jungles, their reptilian features blending seamlessly with their humanoid form. Renowned for their craftsmanship and hunting prowess, they have thrived in the untamed wilderness for generations.

Physical Description
Resembling reptiles in almost every aspect, Lizardfolk possess scaly skin, sharp claws, and a sinuous tail. Despite their reptilian appearance, they stand tall and walk upright like humans, their eyes gleaming with intelligence and cunning.

Crafting Expertise
Lizardfolk are adept at crafting, utilizing animal parts to create a variety of tools, weapons, and armor. From simple spears made from sharpened branches to intricately carved bone jewelry, their creations reflect their deep connection to the natural world.

Hunting Prowess
As skilled hunters, Lizardfolk possess keen senses and unmatched agility. They track their prey with precision, utilizing stealth and ambush tactics to ensure a successful hunt. Their knowledge of the wilderness allows them to thrive in environments that would prove challenging for others.

Savage Warriors
Despite their intelligence and craftsmanship, Lizardfolk are not to be underestimated in battle. When provoked, they can unleash a ferocity and savagery that rivals even the fiercest beasts of the wild. Their powerful jaws and razor-sharp claws make them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Lizardfolk Origins
  • Lizardfolk Petigree
  • Lizardfolk Provenance



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