Spoon, Glass
Spoon, Glass
0.75 gp 0.15 lb Glass

You see a glass spoon, its translucent form shimmering faintly. The handle tapers smoothly, etched with delicate grooves, leading to a shallow, rounded bowl with a polished, almost fragile clarity that catches every flicker of light.

  • V Current: 3
  • V Max: 3

  • Object Damage Type Immunity:
  • Acid
  • Necrotic
  • Poison
  • Psychic
  • Radiant

  • Object Damage Type Vulnerability:
  • Bludgeoning
  • Force
  • Lightning
  • Slashing
  • Thunder

Fabricated From
# Name
1 Blow Glass Spoon

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information