Wing Kobold
Wing Kobold
30 lbs


27 / 27

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Pack Tactics
  • Sunlight Sensitivity

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Javelin
    0.5 gp
  • Leather Jerkin
    45 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • Javelin
    0.5 gp

  • Monster Bits:
  • Animal Blood
    0.1 gp

The Flying Kobold swoops overhead, hurling spears with precise aim. They descend like a deadly rain, the air filled with the whistle of sharpened wood and steel.


Creature Sub Type

Kobolds are small, subterranean dragonoids known for their cunning and hostile nature. Individually weak, they pose a significant challenge when grouped together. These creatures spend their lives underground, tunneling through small mines and fiercely defending their territory from intruders.

Kobolds have scaly skin that ranges in color from red, black, green, blue, to white. Although they lack the fire-breathing ability of true dragons, their draconic heritage is evident in their appearance. Rarely, a Kobold may grow wings, and these individuals are revered by their kin as True Dragons.

Primarily dwelling in the dark recesses of the earth, Kobolds create extensive tunnel networks and small mines. They prefer the safety and familiarity of their underground homes, venturing to the surface only when necessary. Sunlight is harsh on their eyes, but those who adapt to surface life can thrive and often integrate into multi-racial villages.

Society and Behavior
Kobold society is highly hierarchical, with a strong sense of loyalty and deference to powerful entities. They will bow their heads to stronger beings like wyverns, and if fortunate enough, a dragon. This subservient behavior ensures their survival and provides protection.

Despite their small stature and individual weakness, Kobolds are incredibly dangerous in numbers. They are sneaky and cunning, employing traps and ambush tactics to overcome their foes. In battle, their coordination and group tactics can overwhelm even the most formidable opponents.

Abilities and Skills
While lacking the fire-breathing capabilities of dragons, Kobolds make up for it with their resourcefulness and mining skills. They are adept at creating traps, digging tunnels, and setting up ambushes. Their knowledge of their subterranean environment gives them a significant advantage in underground combat.

Interaction with Other Races
Though often hostile, Kobolds can coexist with other races, especially in villages where different species work together. In such environments, they contribute their mining expertise and cunning strategies. Kobolds who survive the harshness of the surface world become invaluable allies, bridging the gap between their subterranean kin and the surface dwellers.

Revered Kobolds
Winged Kobolds, though rare, hold a special place in Kobold society. These individuals are seen as the closest to true dragons, embodying the power and majesty of their draconic ancestors. Their presence inspires and commands respect, solidifying their status as leaders and symbols of hope among their people.

  • Skill Roll ADV:
  • Sneak

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Pack Tactics
  • Sunlight Sensitivity


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information