Stone Shape
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You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5 feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. So, for example, you could shape a large rock into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is less than 5 feet thick. You could also shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn't possible.

Fingers extended, you wield the power to mold rock like clay. The stone yields effortlessly to your command, shifting and reshaping at your will. Walls part, passages emerge – the very earth becomes your sculptor's canvas under the mastery of Stone Shape.

  • Spell Info:
  • Spell Sphere(s): Arcane Primal
  • Spell Circle: Circle of Transmutation
  • Components: 
  • Casting Time: 

  • Parameters:
  • Range:

  • Spell Material Components:
  • Clay, soft
    0.1 gp



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information