Hurl Flame
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Igniting the very essence of arcane fire, the spell Hurl Flame allows the caster to project scorching orbs of infernal energy through precise ranged spell attacks. With a flick of the wrist and a whispered incantation, the sorcerer conjures ethereal flames, forming into compact spheres of searing intensity. These fiery projectiles are imbued with destructive power, leaving a trail of blazing embers in their wake. As they hurtle towards their targets, the flames sear through flesh and material alike, inflicting potent fire damage upon impact. The spell's versatility lies in its ranged nature, enabling the caster to strike down adversaries from a distance, engulfing them in the unforgiving embrace of flames.

From your palm erupts a searing ball of fire, hurtling toward the target. It engulfs with intense heat, scorching and leaving behind an infernal blaze, testament to your unleashed arcane power.

  • Spell Info:
  • Spell Sphere(s): Arcane Primal
  • Spell Circle: Circle of Evocation
  • Components: 
  • Casting Time: 

  • Parameters:
  • Range:

  • Damage Roll:



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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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