Creature Size: +3
V dice: x50
CR: +6
AP: +3
Extra Attack: +3
A horde is considered a ~50 creatures of a specific creature.
Its hit points are pooled together, and its damage is scaled to its total V. It is meant to simplify encounters for the GM, and players.
The size of the swarm moves up TWO categories.
The number of extra attacks added to the swarm is relative to its creature size as well. These APs are considered extra attacks (or unhindered attacks).
Hit and damage rolls are all rolled based on the base creature, yet the swarm can only target 1 target at a time per AP spent.
For instance the players provoke the town guard, approx 5 guards show up to fight the PCs. A swarm of guards is created for the encounter which all act on the same initiative count. Instead of running 5 individual guards, therefore simplifying the encounter for more "theater of the mind" improvised encounters, and help the GM.