Elixir of Storm Giant Strength
Elixir of Storm Giant Strength
250 gp 0.20 lb Liquid

This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a storm giant.

A dark-blue liquid sloshes in the ornate crystal bottle, streaked with gleaming silver and gold. The liquid seems charged with a thrumming energy, and the soft glow of it flickers as tiny forks of lightning dance within. Holding the bottle causes one’s hair to stand on end, and uncorking it emits the distinct smell of charged ozone.

I Drink an Potion of Storm Giant Strength
This potion feels like a swig of saltwater as I drink it, the jagged nail within whirlpooling down my gullet. An energy swills through my body, chaotic as a raging sea, and my muscles brim with new, alien vigor. I feel like a titan—like I could raise a sunken ship from the depths of the sea.

  • Parameters:
  • Duration: 1 days

  • Essences:
  • Body: 9

Fabricated From


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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