
The Impfolk are a unique race born from the lingering presence of imps, small devilish creatures summoned by spellcasters for servitude. When their summoning contracts are severed due to the death or abandonment of their masters, these imps become stranded in the material plane, unable to return to their infernal domains. However, some find ways to adapt and thrive, evolving into the Impfolk, a larger and more resilient form of their original selves. These fiendish beings embody the essence of survival, cunning, and chaos, making them formidable adventurers and dangerous allies

Summoned Servants
Imps, small devilish familiars, were summoned by wizards, warlocks, and other spellcasters to assist in minor tasks and devilish dealings. Bound to the material plane by contract, these creatures served loyally but were forever tethered to their masters. However, when a master perished or released the imp from service, the imp became trapped, doomed to roam the material world. Over time, some of these imps evolved, growing in size and power, becoming the Impfolk.

Transformation through Survival
Unlike their diminutive cousins, Impfolk have developed in remarkable ways, adapting to the hostile environment of the material plane. Some grow stone-like plates, giving them a gargoyle-like appearance, while others embrace their fiery, demonic heritage, their bodies wreathed in flames. These transformations symbolize their resilience and capacity to change in order to survive.

Larger and More Robust
Standing taller than standard imps, Impfolk have grown to be more formidable. Their forms are often hunched or lean, with some sporting thick, stone-like hide that makes them resemble living gargoyles. These stone plates not only offer protection but also make them appear more intimidating. Others may appear more fiery, with burning skin and horns that suggest a deeper connection to their infernal origins.

Fiendish Toxin
A signature trait of many Impfolk is their ability to produce a fiendish toxin from their claws. With just a scratch, this toxin saps the strength of their foes, causing a slow but debilitating drain on their vitality. While the toxin only lasts for a few minutes, it can turn the tide of battle or give an Impfolk the upper hand in a desperate situation.

Infernal Resilience
Impfolk are nearly immortal, their long lives tied to the magical forces that created them. Unless killed outright, these fiends can persist indefinitely in the material plane. This makes them a rare but powerful force, as few creatures can endure the hardships of the world for centuries without faltering.

Solitary Wanderers or Cunning Opportunists
Most Impfolk are solitary by nature, preferring to rely on their wits and cunning to survive. However, some band together with others of their kind or align with like-minded fiendish races such as Demonfolk, Devilfolk, or Abyssfolk. Their shared infernal heritage provides common ground, though Impfolk are always cautious in their dealings, knowing betrayal and manipulation run rampant in such circles.

Distrust of Spellcasters
Impfolk harbor a deep-seated hatred for human spellcasters. Having been bound and enslaved in their previous form, they avoid wizards and warlocks at all costs. The memory of their past servitude lingers in their minds, making them wary of anyone with the power to summon or bind them again. This enmity toward magic-users often shapes their actions, driving them to undermine or sabotage spellcasters they encounter.

From Familiar to Adventurer
While many Impfolk struggle to survive in the material world, some thrive, becoming adventurers. Their cunning, adaptability, and infernal powers make them formidable allies or terrifying foes. An Impfolk adventurer might seek out treasure, arcane secrets, or power, always driven by the desire to solidify their place in the world that once enslaved them. Some might even seek a way to return to their infernal homeland, though for many, the material plane becomes their new hunting ground.

Fiendish Adaptability
Impfolk are highly adaptable, able to take on various roles depending on their environment. Some act as spies or infiltrators, their small size and cunning minds making them excellent at subterfuge. Others become warriors, using their claws, stone-like plates, or fiery bodies in combat. No two Impfolk are exactly the same, and their transformations often reflect their personal experiences and trials in the material plane.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Impfolk Origins
  • Impfolk Petigree
  • Impfolk Provenance


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