Elf, Wood

Wood Elves, also known as the Asrai, are a reclusive and secretive branch of elves that dwell deep within the woodlands. Much like their kin, they have been blessed by the Titans, allowing them to remain ageless and at the height of their physical abilities for centuries.Their senses are finely tuned, allowing them to see with remarkable clarity and resist the charms of the Fey Realms. They possess innate magical abilities, enabling them to attune themselves to the forest, move with incredible agility and grace, and communicate with the animals that inhabit the woodlands. These gifts enable them to hunt their prey with remarkable precision and avoid dangers that would elude others.As they grow in power, Wood Elves can use their magic to become trackless, making it nearly impossible for others to follow them, see through the eyes of beasts, or communicate with animals on a deeper level. Their society is deeply intertwined with the forest, and they are fiercely protective of their home. They are known to be reclusive and isolationist, rarely venturing beyond the boundaries of their forest home, but when threatened, they are capable of unleashing devastating force to defend their land and way of life.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Wood Elven Origins
  • Wood Elf Pedigree
  • Wood Elf Provenance


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information