Chair, Wooden, Luxary
5 gp 30 lbs Wood

As you approach the opulent space, your eyes are drawn to the regal wooden chair. Crafted from exquisite mahogany, its polished surface gleams, showcasing the mastery of the artisan's hand. Ornate carvings dance along the edges, whispering tales of timeless elegance. Seated upon this luxurious throne, you're enveloped in an aura of refined comfort, a testament to the artistry of fine living.

Object Properties:

  • V Current: 10
  • V Max: 10

  • Object Damage Type Resistances(s):
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Vulnerability:
  • Fire
  • Force
  • Slashing

  • Object Damage Mitigation: +10

Fabricated From

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information