
You come from a long line of skilled metalworkers, and your passion for crafting has been with you since childhood. You were fascinated by the art of heating, hammering, and shaping metal, and you spent countless hours in your family's forge, learning the skills and techniques that have been passed down through generations. As you grew older, you began to experiment with different metals and techniques, pushing yourself to create ever-more intricate and beautiful pieces. Today, you are known throughout the land as one of the finest blacksmiths in existence, and your work is in high demand among nobles, adventurers, and warriors alike. Whether you are forging weapons of war or creating intricate pieces of jewelry, you always approach your work with a deep respect for the materials and the ancient craft that you have devoted your life to.

  • Background Essences:
  • Body: +1

  • Skill Tier 2:
  • Common Language Skill

  • Skill Tier 3:
  • Geology
  • Smithing
  • Fortitude

  • Starting Equipment:
  • Clothes, Artisan’s
    1 gp
  • Hammer
    1 gp
  • 10 Gold Coin
    1 gp
  • 20 Silver Coin
    0.1 gp
  • 20 Copper Coin
    0.01 gp


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To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information