Statue, Large
Statue, Large
50 gp 600 lbs Stone

Carved from stone or sculpted from some other durable material, it looms above you, a testament to human craftsmanship or artistic expression. The details are intricate, capturing the essence of a human figure with precision. The proportions are carefully observed, with limbs, torso, and head all in harmony, exuding a sense of strength and majesty.

The statue's face, devoid of any human emotion, gazes out into the distance. Its expressionless features give little away, leaving its purpose and significance shrouded in mystery. Perhaps it's a historical figure commemorated in stone or a representation of humanity's enduring spirit. Regardless, as you observe this larger-than-life sculpture, you're left to wonder about the story it tells and the hands that brought it into existence.



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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