Trollbane Plant
Trollbane Plant
10 gp 0.10 lb Fiber

Found in dark, foreboding forests. This herb has spiky leaves and a bitter taste that repels trolls and other monstrous creatures.

Amidst shadowed woods, Trollbane lurks, its spiky leaves a deterrent to lurking beasts. Bitterness, a guardian's scent, wards off trolls and creatures of the dark, ensuring safety in the heart of the forest's embrace.

  • Gathering Time:
  • 5 minutes

  • Gathering Roll:
  • vs. 15

  • Fabricate:
  • Trollbane Herb
    20 gp

  • The object is immovable, securely bolted to its surroundings, or too large to be moved. It may only be destroyed or harvested.



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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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