
The Lionfolk are a noble race who call the Savage Savanna their home. Born from the untamed wilderness, they have long defended their lands from the relentless assaults of the Gnolls, drawing upon their noble heritage to stand strong against the tide of violence.

Physical Description
Tall and muscular, the Lionfolk possess a regal bearing befitting their noble lineage. Their features are a blend of human and lion, with feline ears, sharp claws, and a mane of fur that cascades down their backs. Their eyes, keen and amber-colored, survey their domain with a mixture of pride and vigilance.

Society and Culture
The Lionfolk are deeply connected to the land they inhabit, viewing themselves as its protectors and guardians. Their society is structured around honor and duty, with chieftains and warriors leading the way in defending their territory from external threats. Despite the constant danger posed by the Gnolls, the Lionfolk remain steadfast in their resolve, refusing to yield to the encroaching darkness.

Blessed with strength and agility, the Lionfolk are formidable warriors on the battlefield. Their feline reflexes allow them to move with grace and precision, while their powerful claws and teeth make them deadly in close combat. Additionally, their innate connection to the savanna grants them an intuitive understanding of its rhythms and secrets, enabling them to navigate its hazards with ease.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Lionfolk Origins
  • Lionfolk Petigree
  • Lionfolk Provenance


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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