
Fairy ancestry traces its roots back to the mystical realm known as the Feywild. The Feywild is a realm of boundless magic, where the laws of nature are malleable and the possibilities are endless. It is within this enchanting plane that fairies find their origins, imbued with the essence of the fey and granted extraordinary abilities.

Fairies are beings of ethereal beauty, known for their delicate and petite forms. Standing only a few inches tall, they possess fragile wings that shimmer with radiant hues, enabling them to take flight and dance upon the breeze. Their wings are a testament to their connection with the magic of the Feywild, allowing them to navigate the world with grace and agility.

One of the most distinctive traits of fairies is their affinity for magic. Being born of the Feywild, they are naturally attuned to the mystical energies that permeate their realm. This innate magical connection grants them the ability to wield and manipulate magic with relative ease. Fairies often use their magic to create illusions, cast enchantments, and bring forth the wonders of the Feywild into the mortal realm.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Fairy Origins
  • Fairy Pedigree
  • Fairy Provenance



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information