Prince’s Kiss

A ‘cousin’ of the so-called frog fever, Prince’s Kiss is a more severe but far briefer form of the malady, primarily associated with kissing and related activities. Onset is rapid, within hours of exposure, and manifests in swollen glands, a high but non-deadly fever, and a perceived intense exhaustion and discomfort at anything that requires effort. The disease would be unbearable but for its brevity.

Indeed, due to the relatively short infection, many would probably choose this more severe infection over the lengthier, lighter cousin. Still, no one wants to be caught with the Prince’s Kiss – many a philandering spouse has been caught after coming home frog-throated and weary. Infection occurs through exposure to an infected humanoid’s saliva, such as through a bite.

On exposure, a humanoid must succeed in a DC 20 Constitution save or be infected. A humanoid so infected has no less than 4 Exhaustion for the duration. The effect fades after 1d6 days.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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