
Curse Source
Aqueous Corruption N/A
Ashen Inflammation N/A
Black Fly Filth Fever N/A
Blinding Sickness N/A
Blood Fever N/A
Bloodmold N/A
Bubbling Fever N/A
Bubbling Pox N/A
Bubonic Plague N/A
Cackle Fever N/A
Calcification Virus N/A
Carnivorous Flower N/A
Celestial Melancholia N/A
Choleric Worm N/A
Clod’s Lock N/A
Corvid Plague N/A
Crimson Honey Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Death Dog Disease N/A
Debtor’s Malaise N/A
Dionesian Chorea N/A
Disease of the Darkness Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Dockhand’s Ache N/A
Drunkards’ Rot N/A
Eye Rot N/A
Fainting Ague N/A
Fighter's Seduction Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Filth Fever N/A
Flesh Lice N/A
Flesh Rot N/A
Flesh-Starved Rot N/A
Frog Fever N/A
Gas Spore Disease N/A
Giant Rat Disease N/A
Glutton Worm N/A
Goblin Gout N/A
Golden Gut Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Green Decay N/A
Grunge N/A
Hanta Virus N/A
Hemophilia N/A
Hermit’s Pox N/A
Leech Fever N/A
Lily Palsy N/A
Living Death N/A
Lycanthropy N/A
Magus Fever N/A
Malick Malice Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Mamlaz Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Marblewife Syndrome N/A
Marrow Ooze N/A
Mechuiti’s Ichor Disease N/A
Mindfire N/A
Mummy Rot N/A
Otyugh Disease N/A
Pestilence N/A
Pig’s Blood Disease N/A
Prince’s Kiss N/A
Rahbas N/A
Risen Sickness N/A
Rosen Doom N/A
Scholar’s Dropsy N/A
Seizure N/A
Sewer Plague N/A
Shadowed Typhus N/A
Sight Rot N/A
Slimy Doom N/A
Slow-Gut Ague N/A
Soul Rot N/A
Stomach Parasites N/A
Stumbling Sickness N/A
Sweating Sickness N/A
Telepathitis N/A
Terror Plague N/A
Tinea Cruris N/A
Treant’s Rot N/A
Trench Worm N/A
Tsathoggan Rotting Disease N/A
Verdenblight N/A
Watchman’s Blink N/A
Withering Disease N/A
Zombie Fever N/A

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information