The disease is typically caught from contact with rodents and rodent waste. Normally a Constitution saving throw is required to prevent contagion, with the DC dependent on the amount of contagious material contacted and the method of contact. Hanta virus incubates 1d8+7 days before beginning its deadly course. For the first four days after the incubation stage, a creature infected with this disease must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw every 24 hours. The victim acquires one level of exhaustion for each failure. The exhaustion cannot be removed while the disease persists. Starting on the fifth day, failed saving rolls indicate that the victim loses 2d10 hit points from their maximum as well as gaining a level of exhaustion. Once the disease has been cured, the exhaustion can be cured with rest or by magic, and the loss of maximum hit points is restored after a long rest. Unless cured by magic, this disease is ultimately fatal.