Stumbling Sickness

An aggressive infection of the inner ear, stumbling sickness forces the afflicted to pay much more attention to where they step and how they move their bodies, lest they plant their faces on the cobblestone underneath them. Legend tells of an ancient sorcerer who found the disease quite funny once he concocted it and was able to watch the common folk slowly stumble about.

An inconvenience for most, stumbling sickness is a recipe for disaster for a soldier at march or a ranger on patrol. Fortunately, the sickness is fleeting, often over in a matter of days with no lasting consequences – if the afflicted can spare a few days at a potentially severe disadvantage. Infections are spread through a mild cough. A humanoid so exposed must make a DC 10 Constitution save or become infected.

An infected character makes all skill checks requiring coordinated mobility at Disadvantage and must move at only half their Movement Speed or force a DC 12 Acrobatics skill check. On failure, they fall prone. The disease fades after 1d6 days.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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