Bubbling Pox

A favorite of plague worshippers and creatures of filth, the Bubbling Pox turns its humanoid victims into unwilling tools in their war against the clean and living. The sores that cover the infected’s body bubble and pop at random, spreading contagion wherever the unlucky soul travels. In a sick irony, the Pox works to suppress other diseases yet to manifest in the infected, instead working to preserve such infections without harming the host, making them an unwilling carrier. Those so infected must be quickly treated or immediately ostracized – too often, the latter becomes a necessity in far off places unable to rapidly procure 4 the right assistance to treat the afflicted.

There are rumors of colonies of people so banished, gestation chambers for yet undiscovered plagues and poxes. Spread of the Bubbling Pox occurs through physical exposure to someone so infected or from certain plague rituals – at least one cult is known to willingly infect themselves before entering urban areas. Those exposed must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or also become infected with the disease, with symptoms manifesting within a week. Other than relatively painful blisters and sores across the body, infected humanoids suffer no ill effects personally.

However, they carry in their sores and lungs the Bubbling Fever (and potentially other diseases). Those around them must regularly (once per day, after direct contact with the infected, or on another routine relevant for another disease) make tests to resist Bubbling Fever or another disease that infected person carries. The Bubbling Pox lasts indefinitely unless magically cured.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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