Disease of the Darkness

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A malevolent, almost intelligent blight spreads through the world. People call it Darkness because of its pitch black, viscous nature that’s almost impossible to see in anything other than bright light. When it has infected a Humanoid, it eats away at their body. It’s a stubborn disease that’s difficult to eliminate, but fairly easy to manage.

Each day at dawn a creature’s Darkening progresses by 1.

Transmission & Contraction
A creature contracts Darkness by coming into contact with a pool of Darkness. In bright light, a pool of Darkness is obvious and visible. In dim light or darkness, it’s very difficult to perceive and any creature that comes within 5ft of the Darkness must make a DC 15 Dexterity Save. Failure: The creature contracts Darkness. When a creature first contracts Darkness, its Darkening level is 2.

Cures & Treatments
There are two ways to manage Darkness. Targeting the infected creature with Lesser Restoration will reduce its Darkening level by 1, but requires the caster to succeed on a DC 10 Spellcasting Ability Check, or it has no effect. Additionally, if the creature is not missing HP and it is targeted by an effect that restores 10 HP or more, its Darkening level is reduced by 1. If the infected creature is targeted with Greater Restoration , or similar magic, it is cured.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information