Hermit’s Pox

Not all hermits have the Hermit’s Pox, but essentially everyone with it is a hermit. Little is known of how it is spread, but in some societies there is a strong association with lecherous men and the Pox, though it is hard to parse whether this is a cause or effect of the disease.

Marked by seeping ulcers all over the body, particularly along the extremities and head, which emit a particularly offensive odor of decay, it is hard to bear being near someone so infected for more than a few moments before the smell and sight overtake one’s senses entirely. Unfortunately, it is not just the body but the mind as well that is made unpleasant by this festering disease. In time, the infected becomes easily irritable, selfish, lacking in humor, charisma, or empathy, even while the rest of their faculties remain fully intact.

The resulting person is one to be avoided, both to avoid spread of the disease and the visual and social misery that the infected becomes.

Typically, such isolation is a mutually agreeable solution to all parties involved, assuming the ulcers cannot be cleansed in time. Exposure occurs through contact with an infected humanoid’s ulcers. On exposure, success in a DC 10 Constitution save prevents infection. A creature so infected grows painful ulcers and has Disadvantage on all social Ability Checks, both as a result of changes in their own personality and behavior, and the effect their presence has on others.

A DC 25 Medicine skill check by a caregiver with medical tools can treat the condition.


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To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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