Sweating Sickness

A true scourge of a disease, Sweating Sickness is among the most lethal and least understood in the known world.

It is ordinarily exceedingly rare, popping up only in small pockets in the footnotes of history, but has been known to follow the warpath of plague worshipping cultists. Once infected, a raging fever sets in within a matter of hours, harsh enough to lay even the strongest and heartiest low. Once the fever hits, the terror and sweat follow, with the poor soul feeling an imminent and unbearable sense of dread such that their heart pounds and sweat drips from their whole body. This is accompanied by an unbearable and unquenchable thirst; no matter how much water is provided, the infected will beg and weep for more.

Death tends to come swiftly, often within matter of hours, or even minutes, even if treated. Those few that survive are left scarred by the experience, both mentally and physically- as the fever finally breaks black sores break out over the body, replaced by black scabs and later black scars. Though unsightly, these sores are a welcome sight, for they signify the end of the deadly period of the disease. Infection is mysterious in nature, without clear vectors or causes.

However, a creature exposed must 13 succeed in a DC 20 Constitution save or become infected. Once infected, a creature must make a DC 19 Constitution save each turn. On success, the next Constitution save is 1 point easier. If the DC reaches 0, the fever fades and they recover all symptoms within a few days.

On failure, they lost 1 Constitution for the duration of the disease, dying upon reaching 0. Only by enduring can the disease be cured. A caregiver on hand gives Advantage to the required Constitution saves


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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