Malick Malice

Often the power of foresight is seen as a gift, but those who truly experience the visions will tend to disagree. Those cursed by Malick Malice often see complex visions of the future, have confusing dreams, and speak obscure prophecies. However, as the curse goes on it can often be difficult to distinguish a vision of what may come to pass from a fleeting moment of insanity.

The features of this curse revolve around Malice Points (MP). Malice Points resemble the amount of insanity the curse has brought upon a creature. Depending on the results, a creature can gain or lose Malice Points when using features of this curse.

An afflicted creature starts with 1 MP and can have a maximum of 10 points. Consult the Malice Point table below to find the penalties associated with the current number of MP.

Short Sight
Using the power of this curse, a creature can attempt to bolster itself using knowledge of the immediate future. When a creature makes an Attack, Save, or Check it can attempt to predict the outcome by rolling a d6 and guessing the result. It can choose to either predict a result of 1-3, 4-6, or a specific number between 1 and 6.

If a range of 1-3 or 4-6 is predicted correctly, the creature can add a d6 to the Attack, Save, or Check it’s making. If the range is predicted incorrectly then the creature must subtract a d6 from the roll and also gains 1 MP. If a specific number was predicted correctly then the creature adds 2d6 to the roll and loses 2 MP, to a minimum of 1. If a specific number was predicted incorrectly then the creature subtracts 2d6 from the roll and gains 2 MP.

You can use this feature 2 times per Short Rest.

Ritual Premonition
Additionally, you can attempt to invoke a stronger premonition.

Over the course of 10 minutes an afflicted creature can perform a special magical ritual to attempt to gain insight into an area of its choice. This ritual can duplicate the effects of one of the following spells: Commune, Contact Other Plane, Divination, Find the Path, Legend Lore, or, Scrying .

Before resolving the results of the ritual the GM must roll a d20 and subtract the total number of MP the creature has. If the result is 10 or less, the GM gives a false, confusing, or misleading result to the ritual.

A creature can use this feature a number of times equal to half the number of MP it has (minimum of 1) per Long Rest.

Malick Malice MP
1 - 2The creature is vulnerable to Psychic damage.
3 - 4The creature can read all written languages.
5 - 6The creature makes Wisdom Checks with DIS.
7 - 8The creature no longer requires sleep during a Long Rest, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
9 - 10The creature makes Wisdom Saves with DIS.

Transmission & Contraction
Malick Malice is a curse that’s often misunderstood. Its origin can come from a host of things. Most commonly, the curse is bestowed upon an individual by a nefarious spirit or powerful creature such as a hag. Reports have been made that people can be born with the curse as well, suggesting a familial or bloodline-related transmission. Once you are cursed, it isn’t possible to give another the curse in any reliable manner.

Cures and Treatments
No known treatments exist, but casting Remove Curse at 5th-level or higher can cure the cursed individual. Additionally, the creature or force that has bestowed the curse on a creature can end the curse as an Action.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information