Crimson Honey

This delicious-smelling, heavily viscous substance is made by a certain species of wasp known for attacking and killing Beasts and Humanoids alike. While it tastes fine and balances sweet and savory well, it can have adverse effects on people who consume large amounts of it (except, curiously, Goblinoids).

If a creature eats more than 1oz of Crimson Honey it regains 3d4 HP. If eaten by any Humanoid other than a Goblinoid, however, the creature must make a DC 15 Constitution Save.

Failure: It is Poisoned for 1d4 hours as the rotted and congealed meat used to create the honey wreaks havoc on the creature’s stomach. If a creature fails the Save by 5 or more, it’s also Paralyzed for the duration.

Transmission and Contraction
Consuming the Crimson Honey in large amounts will likely harm a person. Using the tiniest amount to flavor your rations, though, will likely be just fine. Going back for seconds is inadvisable.

Cures and Treatment
A creature can avoid being Poisoned if Purify Food and Drink is cast on the Crimson Honey before eating it


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information