Eye Rot

This foul disease begins innocuously enough after a poor soul is unfortunate enough allow their eyes and ears to be exposed to the stagnant water that hosts the Eye Rot: a pressure in the ears and behind the eyes, like that of common congestion.

This is naturally followed by an ever more painful earache and conjunctivitis, as the rot takes hold and begins its work of eating away at the soft tissues of the eyes, ocular nerve, and eardrums. The process is slow, at first, when the symptoms appear common and readily treated, then all too fast once the infection takes firm hold. Children are the most susceptible to the Eye Rot, with their early symptoms being taken less seriously, as common maladies of youth. The luckiest of such unfortunates end up with lifelong impaired sight or vision, and often both.

The worst off end up eyeless, deaf, and perpetually off-balance from the rot. A precise hand must be used to scrape off the infection from the eyes, and a strong solvent must be used to cleanse the ear canals. Exposure occurs through submersion in long stagnant water that hosts the disease. After exposure, a creature must succeed at a DC 8 Constitution save or be infected.

A creature so infected experiences mundane symptoms as above, but after 1d4 weeks will find themselves unable to effectively see or hear, Blinding and Deafening them for the duration of the disease. After 1d4 more weeks, their inner ear will degrade such that any activity requiring steady balance will be Disadvantaged. After another 1d4 weeks, these effects become essentially permanent, as the tissue is consumed entirely. A weekly DC 10 Medicine Skill Check by another character can suppress progression for 1 week.

The duration is indefinite, with no readily available medical cure.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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