Choleric Worm

Spread through filthy water, the eggs of this 6-or-soinch worm are hardy enough to weather the harshness of a humanoid’s stomach, though goblinoids are notably immune to its ill-effects (but not infection). Once in the intestine, they hatch and the newborn wretched creatures make their way elsewhere in the body- they are not particularly picky as to where. Once comfortable, they encyst themselves there, perhaps causing some mild discomfort, itching, and the occasional jolt of pain as they feed off their host’s body.

They are not greedy worms- in truth, they take very little from the host, precisely enough to develop and reach maturity. The true harm of the worm is an unintended one: in order to survive a host body’s persistent efforts to oust the worm, it must suppress the host’s ability to fend off other infections of all sortsa potentially fatal problem for folk routinely exposed to dangerous illnesses. After a few weeks of developing within the host, the worm will work its way near the surface of the skin, creating an itchy, swollen sore which is soothed only by submersion in water.

Once submerged, the worm will emerge and trouble its host no more, living in the water for a time before laying its eggs to start the cycle anew. On exposure to food or water contaminated with the worm, a humanoid must pass a DC 15 Constitution save or become infected. While infected, any saves to resist infection by or the effects of poisons or diseases must be made with Disadvantage.

This effect lasts 1d6 weeks. The condition will resolve itself once the parasite departs, but it can also be removed via surgical incision and a DC 15 Medicine Skill Check.


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