So named for the massive swelling in the infected’s throat glands, frog fever is a debilitating but ultimately not life-threatening malady.
An infection spread from person to person by sharing cups, food, and…more intimate things, this sickness causes one to feel a persistent sense of exhaustion. While their actual endurance remains unchanged, the unending feeling of fatigue makes performance in all areas of one’s life arduous. The result is someone unable to perform even basic tasks quite to the degree of competence that could be ordinarily expected.
The most troublesome aspect of the fever is not the symptoms but its term, which can last weeks or more, and the lack of a tried and true means of effective treatment. Infection occurs through contact with bodily fluids of an infected humanoid. On exposure, a DC 16 Constitution save must be passed or the infection sets in.
Gnomes and Dragonborn are immune. A humanoid so infected always has a minimum of 1 Exhaustion for the duration. The affliction persists for d20 weeks.