Flesh-Starved Rot

A disease found only in the filthiest, most corrupted pits of the world, the Flesh Starved Rot is either a fungus or other sort of infection that, once one is exposed, engages in rapid and uncontrolled growth on any fleshy matter it can reach.

It dissolves flesh quickly, breaking it down in short order to continue its takeover of the corpse. Expansion is so rapid that a patient observer can see the growth of the infection and the disintegration of the flesh with the naked eye. The infection begins on the skin but quickly makes its way to interior tissues, and within a day the infected almost universally perishes, already in an advanced state of decay.

While a variety of treatments prove effective at stopping the progression of the infection, all require harm to the patient’s body; the disease takes hold so rapidly that it requires whole body treatment, including one’s insides all at once, but to do so is just as deadly to the patient. Unless an exposed extremity can be removed within the first few minutes of infection, this Rot is always fatal, and quite painfully so. Infection occurs after exposure to the Rot, whether dormant or actively consuming flesh.

Any fleshy organic matter can be afflicted. Something so exposed must succeed at a DC 20 Constitution save or be infected. The rot takes effect immediately, dealing Xd6 damage per turn, where X equals the number of turns since infection.

The effect persists until death. If, after exposure, the flesh exposed is immediately excised, cauterized, amputated, or otherwise rendered unconsumable by the rot, the infection can be contained or stopped.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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