Flesh Lice

Lice are bad enough, but Flesh Lice are an entirely new level of unpleasant for those afflicted. Not satisfied with merely living on one’s body, these creatures choose instead to live within the first layer of skin, causing extreme discomfort, itching, and a general 9 frailness to the skin.

It is fortunate that these tiny arthropods are kind enough to secrete a numbing agent wherever they go, such that their coming and going do not themselves cause pain, but the weakened skin does indeed result in painful ripping of the flesh when the host inevitably vigorously scratches the infected sites. Someone so infected finds their whole body more prone to harm, to the point that otherwise harmless blows might cause significant harm. The creatures are resilient, numerous, and sneaky – only complete removal of the tiny beasts will cure this affliction, and removal is a painstaking chore that even the most diligent caretaker can botch if a single breeding pair remains on the body to repopulate another day.

Infection occurs through exposure to Flesh Lice, on a humanoid or in the wild. Any creature so exposed must succeed in a DC 15 Constitution save or be infected, or alternatively vigorously check themselves after known exposure to prevent any tagalong lice from claiming their body as home. While infected, any physical damage done to the infected creature’s body does 50% more hitpoints than it otherwise would.

Infections last until treated. Treatment requires a caregiver spending a full day removing the lice from the body and success at a DC 10 Medicine or a DC 15 Perception Skill Check.


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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