Terror Plague

Called by some the “rabid fear”, this disease attacks the mind and is spread through bodily fluids, most commonly by sweat. Victims begin to see hallucinations of their darkest fears, often attacking others and spreading infection in an addled attempt to fight off the visions of terror.

A victim exposed to the body fluids of an infected must make a DC 12 Constitution save or become infected.

Onset happens during the first evening of infection, and symptoms manifest as visions of dangerous and deadly creatures or hazards, or often the subject of the victim’s phobias or self-doubts. Once these visions begin, the victim sweats profusely, to the point that they drip with sweat. Infected creatures are unable to sleep or rest, and gain no benefits from a short or long rest other than staving off exhaustion. Prolonged infection might result in long-term madness (see madness rules).

One cure for this disease is to gouge one’s eyes out. Though not a popular cure, it can be a necessary one to stave off madness and sleep deprivation.

This does not so much cure the disease as it prevents the symptoms, and the victim can still transmit the disease to others (though they do not suffer from the heavy sweat that the visions induce). The only other non-magical cure must be procured from the blood of a hag and requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check to properly distill into a working cure. Whatever the connection between hags and this disease may be, it only serves to make each all the more terrifying.


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