Magus Fever

A runny nose, aching limbs, a gentle fever, a persistent Wet cough, and an inexplicable inability to manipulate Weavings of Magic – these are the symptoms of the Magus Fever.

To most that catch this disease, it resembles in nearly every respect a mild Cold, spread the same as any other. It typically passes in a few drowsy days, perhAPs weeks, with the afflicted none the worse Contesting Roll for some fatigue and discomfort. To one in ordinarily in tune with the magical Arts, whatever their sort, this fever is another matter altogether.

Try as they might, whether their Magic be of Arcane, Divine, or chaotic origin, this fever utterly represses their capacity to tap into the grander powers that be, no matter how skilled or powerful their 11 control. This is, of course, a living hell for practitioners of magical Arts and foul-intentioned Sorcerers alike, who have no way of knowing beforehand whether the courtesan or marauder sneezing next to them has this dreaded fever or something else. Exposure to an infected Humanoid can spread the disease.

A Humanoid so Exposed must succeed in a DC 11 Body Contesting Roll or become infected. An infected Humanoid struggles to cast Arcane Magic, requiring a DC 11 Willpower Contesting Roll to even cast a Spell, before determining if its ordinary effects occur.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information