Animate Ghasts
Full Ability

You Target corpses, each corpse rises as a Ghast.

These Summons have NO duration.

Turning your attention to lifeless forms, each corpse is ensnared by the spell, rising as Ghasts. Amidst the shadows, their pallid, almost translucent skin, adorned with black, spiderwebbing veins, becomes apparent. Initially crouched, they stagger to their full, gaunt height—a skeletal frame with a bloody maw, exposing rows of jagged, yellow teeth. Desiccated flesh clings tightly to warped bones, and the cunning in their eyes gives pause. The macabre sight is heightened by a pervasive foul smell, an olfactory assault that accompanies their presence, a putrid essence adding an extra layer of dread to these risen creatures.

  • Spell Info:
  • Spell Level: 6
  • Spell Sphere(s): Arcane
  • Spell Circle: Circle of Necromancy
  • Components: 
  • Casting Time: 

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • Max Targets: 2

  • Summon Roll:

  • Ability only works against creature type:
  • Humanoid

  • Consumes 3 Ability Charges:
  • Mastery
    Wizard 1

  • Change 's Mana: -5

  • Summon:
  • Ghast

  • Summon Type:
  • Animated Summon

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Subclass Color of Black

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information