Creature Sub Type

Halfolks are a unique and endearing race, blending the traits of Halflings and Folks into a harmonious whole. They stand at around 3 feet tall, have a maximum weight of 45 pounds, and share the distinctive characteristics of both their Halfling and Folk ancestors.

The Best of Both Worlds:
Halfolks possess the charming and courteous nature of Halflings and the robust and hardworking qualities of Folks. Their appearance often showcases a unique blend of features, such as unshaven males and both men and women with curly hair. They favor comfortable, loosely-fitting clothing that allows them to move freely.

A Life of Simplicity and Joy:
Halfolks have a deep appreciation for the simple and joyful aspects of life. They value family, friendship, and community above all else. Their strong sense of empathy drives them to help those in need, and their kindness is legendary. They take pleasure in life's small joys, such as good food, drink, and storytelling. Brewing and cooking are revered arts among their people.

Stealthy and Resilient:
Despite their diminutive stature, Halfolks inherit the agility and stealthines, enabling them to move unnoticed and nimbly when the situation calls for it. Their Folk heritage provides them with remarkable resilience and the ability to endure hardship. They are no strangers to hard work, and they approach their tasks with unwavering determination.

Harmony in the Face of Conflict:
Halfolks are generally peaceful beings, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible. However, when pushed to defend their homes and loved ones, they reveal their courage and fierce determination. Their resilience and resourcefulness make them formidable fighters when the need arises, surprising adversaries who underestimate their abilities.

A Bridge Between Two Worlds:
Halfolks serve as a bridge between the Halfling and Folk communities, embodying the best qualities of both races. Their unique blend of characteristics and their ability to harmoniously integrate with diverse cultures make them valuable mediators and diplomats in a world of hate. They can navigate between different factions, offering their wisdom and finding peaceful solutions to conflicts.

In a campaign, Halfolks add a touch of versatility and diplomacy. Players who choose to embody Halfolks can explore the nuances of their dual heritage, forging connections and finding common ground in a world filled with diverse races and cultures. Their quest for harmony and appreciation of life's simple pleasures make them valuable allies and peacemakers in a world often plagued by strife and discord.

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Passive Ability Halfolk Origins

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information