Black Flag Rogue
Black Flag Rogue
180 lbs


60 / 60

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Bite (2d8)

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Blood Kiss
  • Chained to the Grave
  • Flesh of Darkness
  • Stake to the Heart
  • Sunlight Hypersensitivity
  • Thirst of Isha
  • Vampire Blood Effects
  • Vampire Forbiddance
  • Water of Life

  • Abilities:
  • Vampire's Embrace

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Dagger
    2 gp
  • Leather Jerkin
    45 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • Blood from a humanoid killed within the past 24 hours, flasked
    2 gp

You spot a flying humanoid, wings like bat membranes stretched wide. They glide effortlessly through the darkness, their silhouette shifting in and out of the shadows, eyes glinting with a predatory gleam.


Creature Sub Type

Vampires are the apex of vampiric terror, embodying darkness, fear, and immortality.

I. Origins: A Dark Genesis
Vampires have their origin in ancient and twisted lore, tracing their lineage back to the very first Vampire. This entity birthed them through a blasphemous ritual, granting them unmatched powers and making them apex predators of the night. The path to becoming a Greater Vampire involves a chilling transformation, often requiring the slaying of someone dear and a sinister covenant with a Dark God, leading to an eternity shrouded in darkness.

II. Immortality and Undying Power
Greater Vampires are seemingly ageless, having endured the passage of time for eons. Their bodies, cunning, and vampiric abilities have grown exponentially over the centuries, making them nearly unbeatable forces in the world.

III. The Blood Bond: Control Over Lesser Vampires
These Sires have the ability to control lesser Vampires and their progeny. They manipulate the minds and wills of their offspring, creating an army of devoted servants for their sinister endeavors. The web of influence they cast ensures their dominance.

IV. Nefarious Schemes: Masters of Subterfuge
Vampires are master tacticians and manipulators, orchestrating intricate plots and infiltrating human society, politics, and religious orders. Their mastery of disguise allows them to remain hidden until their dark plans come to fruition.

V. Supernatural Abilities: Beyond the Pale
The powers of Greater Vampires surpass those of their lesser kin. They can control the elements, transform into monstrous forms, and even command the dead. Their supernatural attributes, speed, and resilience make them nearly invulnerable, posing the ultimate challenge for heroes.

VI. Weaknesses: A Slight Glimmer of Hope
While formidable, Vampires are not invincible. They share common weaknesses like sunlight, holy magic, and silver, although these vulnerabilities may be less pronounced. Adventurers must uncover unique, obscure weaknesses to stand a chance against these immortal fiends.

VII. The Quest to End the Darkness
Confronting a Greater Vampire is the ultimate challenge for intrepid adventurers in your TTRPG world. The quest to end the reign of a Greater Vampire becomes a central storyline, requiring heroes to unearth ancient lore, forge powerful alliances, and gather rare artifacts for the final battle against these ancient Sires of Darkness.

Conclusion: The Apex of Vampiric Terror
Greater Vampires represent the pinnacle of vampiric power and a test of heroism, strategy, and bravery. The fate of the world often hangs in the balance during the ultimate confrontation with a Greater Vampire. Only the most skilled and resourceful heroes can hope to vanquish these ancient Sires and bring an end to their reign of terror.

In summary, Greater Vampires in your world are the epitome of vampiric horror and offer an epic challenge for players to overcome. Their ancient origins, immortality, and formidable powers make them a central element of dark and thrilling adventures, where the heroes' success or failure can determine the fate of the world.

  • Special Senses:
  • Nightsight: +60

  • Damage Type Resistances(s):
  • Necrotic

  • Persistant/Permanent Status Effect:
  • Ageless
  • Spider Climb Effect

  • Damage Mitigation: +2

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Blood Kiss
  • Chained to the Grave
  • Flesh of Darkness
  • Stake to the Heart
  • Sunlight Hypersensitivity
  • Thirst of Isha
  • Vampire Blood Effects
  • Vampire Forbiddance
  • Water of Life

  • Skill Tier 7:
  • Balance
  • Fortitude
  • Willpower


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information