Brand of Servitude
1 Minute 6 |

You place a permanent magical brand on the target's body. A corresponding rune, typically on a rod or magical item, allows control over the brand.

When the rune on the control rod is pressed, the target feels immense pain, and the caster can inflict 1d6 non-lethal psychic damage. This damage can be dealt from any distance, provided the target is on the same plane.

To remove the brand, use Restoration, Major upcasted to 7 mana or Remove Curse upcasted to 7 mana. A legendary creature can resist this effect using legendary resistance. Dispel Magic can repress the effects for 1 hour, against a DC15 Bending Weapon Skill.

In Zin, the Iron Links, a group of merchants dealing in slavery, wield control rods to cast this spell at will, maintaining absolute control over their slaves. They brand two runes on the right cheek: one signifies ownership, while the other indicates the slave's assigned location.

You see the Brand of Servitude, its intricate magical rune glowing faintly on the target's skin. The control rod's corresponding rune pulses with power, ready to unleash pain and psychic damage at the caster's command.

  • Spell Info:
  • Spell Sphere(s): Arcane
  • Spell Circle: Circle of Charm
  • Components: 
  • Casting Time:  1 Minute

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • Duration: 10 years


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information