Storm Giant
Storm Giant




  • Passive Abilities:
  • Amphibious

  • Abilities:
  • Storm Giant Lightning Strike
  • Storm Giant Thunderous Stomp

  • At Will Spell(s):
  • Airborne Levitation
  • Detect Magic
  • Feather Fall
  • Touch of Light

  • Innate Spell(s) per Long Rest:
  • Control Weather
  • Water Breathing

  • Monster Bits:
  • Storm Giant Finger
    65 gp

Beyond its towering size, this colossal giant, reaching three stories high, induces hair-raising terror. The air crackles with an electric charge, and the wind tugs at you like a powerful river current. Wielding a lightning-bolt-shaped sword of mast-like length, the giant embodies an awe-inspiring force that transcends mere stature, intensifying the fear it instills.

Storm giants are contemplative seers that live in places far removed from mortal civilization. Most have pale purple-gray skin and hair, and glittering emerald eyes.

Some rare storm giants are violet-skinned, with deep violet or blue-black hair and silvery gray or purple eyes. They are benevolent and wise unless angered, in response to which the fury of a storm giant can affect the fate of thousands.

Distant Prophet-Kings. Storm giants live in isolated refuges so far above the surface of the world or below the sea that they are beyond the reach of most other creatures. Some make their abodes in cloud-top castles so high that flying dragons appear as specks below. Others live atop mountain peaks that pierce the clouds. Some occupy palaces covered with algae and coral at the bottom of the ocean, or grim fortresses in undersea rifts.

Detached Oracles. Storm giants recall the glory of ancient giant empires forged by the god Annam. They seek to restore what was lost when those empires fell. They don't compete for status in the ordning but live out the centuries of their existence in contemplative seclusion, watching the starry heavens and the ocean's depths for signs, symbols, and omens of Annam's favor.

Storm giants see the events of the world in a wide perspective. They can foretell the rise and fall of kings and empires, see the beginnings and ends of fortune and disaster, and find the patterns within seemingly unrelated events. By reading omens and prophesying, storm giants learn of vast secrets previously unknown and troves of lore utterly forgotten.

Kings will rise and fall, wars will be won and lost, and good and evil will wrestle in conflict. Storm giants have watched these events in the manner of mortal gods over many lifetimes, and they know it is pointless to intervene. Even so, a storm giant might willingly disclose certain secrets to benevolent beings that visit its remote domain with specific purpose. Such creatures must speak and act respectfully, however, for a storm giant roused to anger is a force of utter destruction.

Solitary Lives. Storm giants communicate infrequently with others of their kind. They do so usually to compare signs and omens or engage in a rare courtship. Storm giant parents stay together to raise a child to maturity, then return to the solitary isolation they cherish.

Some humanoid cultures worship storm giants as they would worship lesser gods, creating myths and stories around the giants' exploits and vast knowledge. A storm giant is governed by the dictates of its conscience, however, and not by any culture's laws or codes of honor. As such, a storm giant that bends its mind toward greed or gains a taste for petty power can easily become a terrible threat.


Creature Sub Type

Giantfolks are a remarkable and formidable race, born of the noble lineage of giants. They possess a unique combination of giant strength, imposing stature, and remarkable intelligence.

Giantfolks: The Titans of Balance:
Giantfolks are a rare and awe-inspiring race, born of the rich heritage of giants, but marked by a unique equilibrium of might and intellect. Their massive bodies, towering over most other races, exude an imposing presence. However, their immense size takes a toll on their bodies, and they do not live as long as humans, their giant essence balanced by a vulnerability to time.

Supernatural Feats of Strength:
In the heat of battle, giantfolks are known for their supernatural strength. They can lift their own weight effortlessly and employ a remarkable technique - hurling themselves at their opponents with the intent to crush them beneath their colossal mass. The mere charge of a giantfolk can be a devastating force, leaving a trail of flattened adversaries.

Unleashing the Power of Giants:
As giantfolks age, they unlock more of their latent giant powers, further enhancing their strength and battlefield prowess. They can harness these powers in various ways, calling forth thunder and lightning to strike down their enemies or stomping the ground with such force that it cripples and disorients their foes. Their size and strength allow them to serve as living bulwarks, protecting themselves and their allies from harm, making them indispensable assets on the battlefield.

Cunning and Craftsmanship:
Despite their fearsome reputation for strength and combat prowess, giantfolks are far from being mere brutes. They possess a keen intelligence and a natural cunning that enables them to outmaneuver opponents and devise clever tactics during battles. Furthermore, they are accomplished craftsmen, known for creating tools and weapons of immense size and strength that surpass anything crafted by other races. Their works are a testament to their remarkable ingenuity.

A Few, But a Force to Be Reckoned With:
While giantfolks may be a rare race in the world, their presence on the battlefield is nothing short of game-changing. Their might, intelligence, and tactical acumen can singlehandedly turn the tide of a war in favor of their allies. The appearance of giantfolks in your campaign offers opportunities for players to interact with and learn from these unique beings, who embody a striking blend of strength and intellect, presenting a complex and compelling addition to your game world.



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