Dark Elf Archer
Dark Elf Archer
150 lbs


32 / 32

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Keen Sight

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Leather Jerkin
    45 gp
  • Quiver
    1 gp
  • Shortbow
    25 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • 20 Arrow
    0.05 gp
  • Shortsword
    10 gp

A dark figure with onyx skin and silvery hair draws a bow with elegant precision, the moonlight catching the sharp edges of her obsidian-tipped arrow, ready to strike from the shadows.


Creature Sub Type

Physical Appearance
The Druchii, often referred to as shadow elves, are a race known for their dark beauty and formidable presence. Their skin ranges from obsidian black to deep, shadowy purples, which contrasts starkly with their silvery or white hair. Their eyes, usually red, violet, or shades of blue, glow faintly in the dark, allowing them to see in the pitch-black environments they inhabit.

Society and Culture
Druchii society is matriarchal, with the powerful priestesses of their dark deity often holding the highest authority. Their cities, hidden deep within the Underdark, are marvels of sinister architecture, with buildings and structures carved from the very stone of the subterranean world. These cities are illuminated by the eerie glow of bioluminescent fungi and the faint luminescence of the Druchii's magical artifacts.

Magic and Skills
The Druchii are natural spellcasters, with an innate ability to wield magic that complements their stealth and combat prowess. They excel in the arts of shadow magic, illusions, and enchantments. Many Druchii are also skilled warriors, trained from a young age to be agile and deadly in combat. Assassins, such as the feared Moonlight Assassins, are often employed to deal with enemies both within and outside their society.

The Underdark
The Druchii's home, the Underdark, is a vast and dangerous realm beneath the surface world. It is a place of perpetual twilight, filled with strange and deadly creatures. The Druchii have adapted to this harsh environment, becoming masters of their domain. They navigate the treacherous caverns and tunnels with ease, often using them to launch surprise attacks on surface dwellers or rival underground factions.

Religion and Deities
The Druchii worship a pantheon of dark deities, the most prominent of which is their spider queen. Religious rituals and ceremonies are a central aspect of Druchii life, with elaborate rites often conducted in the dark, grand temples dedicated to their gods. The priestesses wield significant power, not just spiritually but also politically and militarily.

Relations with Other Races
The Druchii are often viewed with fear and mistrust by other races. Their penchant for deception, assassination, and dark magic makes them formidable foes. However, some Druchii have been known to break away from their society, seeking redemption or a new path on the surface world. These individuals often face prejudice and suspicion but can become powerful allies if their trust is earned.

  • Persistant/Permanent Status Effect:
  • Ageless

  • Skill Roll ADV:
  • Sneak


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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