Stone Giant




  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +5
    0 gp

  • Abilities:
  • Rolling Rock

  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Rock Catching

  • Monster Bits:
  • Stone Giant Finger
    45 gp

Standing two stories tall, the humanoid possesses skin akin to a distant mountain's blue-gray hue, and eyes gleaming like steel. Observing cautiously, it clutches a massive club, perhaps a tree in its previous life. The creature's every breath resonates in its surroundings, and each movement sends forth ground-shaking rumbles, emphasizing the colossal and formidable nature of this extraordinary being.

Stone giants are reclusive, quiet, and peaceful as long as they are left alone. Their granite-gray skin, gaunt features, and black, sunken eyes endow stone giants with a stern countenance. They are private creatures, hiding their lives and art away from the world.

Inhabitants of a Stone World. Secluded caves are the homes of the stone giants. Cavern networks are their towns, rocky tunnels their roads, and underground streams their waterways. Isolated mountain ranges are their continents, with the vast spans of land between seen as oceans that the stone giants only rarely cross.

In their dark, quiet caves, stone giants wordlessly chip away at elaborate carvings, measuring time in the echoing drip of water into cavern pools. In the deepest chambers of a stone giant settlement, far from the chittering of bats or the patrols paced out by the giants' cave bear companions, are holy places where silence and darkness are complete. Stone takes on its most sacred quality in these cavern cathedrals, their buttresses and columns carved with a beauty that shames the legendary stone craft of the dwarves.

Carvers and Seers. Among stone giants, artistry ranks as the greatest virtue. They create intricate murals, paint sprawling murals across cavern walls, and indulge in a wide variety of other artistic disciplines. They esteem stone carving as the greatest of skills.

Stone giants strive to draw shapes out of raw stone, which they believe reveal meaning inspired by their god, Skoraeus Stonebones. The giants appoint the tribe's best carvers as their leaders, shamans, and prophets. The holy hands of such giants become the hands of the god as they work.

Graceful Athletes. Despite their great size and musculature, stone giants are lithe and graceful. Skilled rock throwers are granted positions of high rank in the giants' ordning, testing and demonstrating their ability to hurl and catch enormous boulders. Such giants take the front ranks when a tribe has cause to defend its home or attack its enemies. However, even in combat, artistry is key. A stone giant hurling a rock performs not just a feat of brute strength but also one of stunning athleticism and poise.

Dreamers under Sky. Stone giants view the world outside their underground homes as a realm of dreams where nothing is entirely true or real. They behave in the surface world the way humanoids might behave in their own dreams, making little account for their actions and never fully trusting what they see or hear. A promise made above ground need not be kept. Insults can be made without apology. Killing prey or sentient beings is no cause for guilt in the dreaming world beneath the sky.

Stone giants lacking in athletic grace or artistic skill dwell at the fringes of their society, serving as the tribe's outlying guardians and far-wandering hunters. When trespassers stray too far into the mountain territory of a stone giant clan, those guardians greet them with hurled rocks and showers of splintered stone. Survivors of such encounters spread tales of stone giant violence, never realizing how little those brutes dwelling in the unreal dreaming world resemble their quiet and artistic kin.


Creature Sub Type

Giantfolks are a remarkable and formidable race, born of the noble lineage of giants. They possess a unique combination of giant strength, imposing stature, and remarkable intelligence.

Giantfolks: The Titans of Balance:
Giantfolks are a rare and awe-inspiring race, born of the rich heritage of giants, but marked by a unique equilibrium of might and intellect. Their massive bodies, towering over most other races, exude an imposing presence. However, their immense size takes a toll on their bodies, and they do not live as long as humans, their giant essence balanced by a vulnerability to time.

Supernatural Feats of Strength:
In the heat of battle, giantfolks are known for their supernatural strength. They can lift their own weight effortlessly and employ a remarkable technique - hurling themselves at their opponents with the intent to crush them beneath their colossal mass. The mere charge of a giantfolk can be a devastating force, leaving a trail of flattened adversaries.

Unleashing the Power of Giants:
As giantfolks age, they unlock more of their latent giant powers, further enhancing their strength and battlefield prowess. They can harness these powers in various ways, calling forth thunder and lightning to strike down their enemies or stomping the ground with such force that it cripples and disorients their foes. Their size and strength allow them to serve as living bulwarks, protecting themselves and their allies from harm, making them indispensable assets on the battlefield.

Cunning and Craftsmanship:
Despite their fearsome reputation for strength and combat prowess, giantfolks are far from being mere brutes. They possess a keen intelligence and a natural cunning that enables them to outmaneuver opponents and devise clever tactics during battles. Furthermore, they are accomplished craftsmen, known for creating tools and weapons of immense size and strength that surpass anything crafted by other races. Their works are a testament to their remarkable ingenuity.

A Few, But a Force to Be Reckoned With:
While giantfolks may be a rare race in the world, their presence on the battlefield is nothing short of game-changing. Their might, intelligence, and tactical acumen can singlehandedly turn the tide of a war in favor of their allies. The appearance of giantfolks in your campaign offers opportunities for players to interact with and learn from these unique beings, who embody a striking blend of strength and intellect, presenting a complex and compelling addition to your game world.



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